HEGEMONY OR BUST. (HOW the Americans are trying to take over the world. With supporting docs. Paul C...

This Paul Craig roberts Interview is REALLY important. It confirms things from American Government. Pentagon, National Security Papers.
(BTW: Most Governments publish their military papers publicly. Yes, they actually do)

I concur with his assessment of the situation because it now ties these documents together.
Joint Vision 2020
JOINT VISION 2020: Americas plan for Global Domination. [actual pentagon doc]n

PNAC (calls for Pearl Harbour type events)
Project for a New American Century: Highlights using terror against american people to support war


THE GRAND CHESS BOARD: Actual plan and maps. Helps to understand the news. Syria/Iran/Russia/China
The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (1997) is one of the major works of Zbigniew Brzezinski. (the interview links the news to the actual plan on the ground)The Grand ChessBoard wiki

The Grand Chess Board (pdf)

Explains US new net centric maneuver warfare. (for both conventional & unconventional forces (Mujahideen, Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, Al Nusra etc etc etc). Decentralised warfare that is very asymmetrical, causes lots of disruption. A force multiplier.
Warfighting MCDP 1-1
MCDP 2-1
MCDP 3-1
